Anti-condensation DR!PSTOP

DR!PSTOP retains condensation and prevents dripping. The condensation water is released again due to the suitable rear ventilation of the roof.



The DR!PSTOP membrane can solve the problem of the occurrence of condensation in an environment in which condensation occurs cyclically.

In order to fully carry out this function, it is necessary for the membrane to dry out in between the cycles. For this reason, adequate ventilation is required inside the building.
This fact must always be taken into consideration during planning of a ventilation system in buildings.

Profiles with DR!PSTOP

The following profiles are available with DR!PSTOP:

TR 20/125YESYESThermal sealing
TR 35/207YESYESDeactivation through offset
TR 40/183YESYESThermal sealing
TR 45/333YESYESThermal sealing
TR 50/250YESYESDeactivation through offset
TR 85/280YESYESThermal sealing
Roofing tile DP 33YESYESThermal sealing
Roofing tile DP 40YESNOSealing on site required

Either sealing or deactivation is done, depending on the profile.

With a deactivation through an offset, DR!PSTOP is applied approx. 5 cm behind the cut edges to prevent the capillary effect.